Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Well i know it's so not me but recently i have developed a liking towards cooking and i have this one recipe which is a so must try one!

It's Caramel Custard!
I swear you would eat a whole tray of it if you've laid your taste buds on it!
Well I'll give you the super-secret recipe and if you guys have any questions regarding it you can ask me later on msn or even here.

-4 cups of full cream milk(approx 1L)
-7 eggs
-1 cup sugar
-1/2 tsp nutmeg powder (but you can do without it too)
-i tsp vanilla essence

1.Prepare a mould for the custard by greasing very lightly with butter
2.Heat 1/2 cup of sugar with 1 tsp of water in a pan till it melts and turns golden
brown.Pour the caramelised sugar into pudding mould and swirl to coat the sides
of the mould.Keep aside to cool
3.Mix the eggs and remaining sugar together with a large bowl and blend till all the
sugar has dissolved.Now add the milk,vanilla essence and nutmeg and blend again
4.Pour this mixture into the mould you are using to fill them 3/4 of the way to
the top.
5.Cook for 30 minutes and insert toothpick in center.(Well its more of steaming it)
6.When cooked,cool the pudding and then chill in refrigerator for an hour or two.
7.To serve place a plate over the mould,hold firmly in place and turn over gently.
Pour some of the remaining caramel over the pudding and serve.

It's awesome! you could do some own changes to the recipe to have it to your liking

mode: dbsk,junsu,xiah,tvxq,thsk tekejut i!

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